Month: January 2020
Friday, January 31, 2020
Most estates don’t take years and years to resolve. Usually, the only
delay is the period, mandated by state law, that gives creditors time to file
claims. The length of the creditors’ claim window varies from state to... Continue Reading
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
There are lots of reasons to write a will, but
worrying about the state snatching your family’s inheritance is not one of
them. If you die without a valid will (the legal term for this is dying
“intestate”), then state law... Continue Reading
Monday, January 27, 2020
An employee had a private
right of action under the Medical Marijuana Act against an employer who
allegedly terminated the employee wrongfully. Because plaintiff was terminated
for a reason that was... Continue Reading
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Commonwealth courts have consistently held that discharges of existing
employees based on accusations of criminal conduct do not fall within the public policy exception to the bar on
such claims by at-will employees; thus,... Continue Reading
Monday, January 13, 2020
Trail court erred in
relying upon will scrivener to establish testator’s testamentary capacity and
erroneously denied appeal from probate where proponents failed to overcome
prima facie evidence... Continue Reading