Month: June 2019
Monday, June 24, 2019
court properly denied daughters’ objections to appellee’s final accounting as
trustee of decedent mother’s revocable trust but court affirmed on other
grounds because court found daughters lacked standing to appeal... Continue Reading
Monday, June 10, 2019
the person named as the deceased’s personal representative (a more formal term
is Executor or Executrix) goes to an attorney experienced in probate matters, who
then prepares a petition for the court and takes it,... Continue Reading
Thursday, June 6, 2019
it may be a task that’s low on your to-do list, estate planning can provide
guidance for your loved ones in the future. It will also give you a sense of
relief as you think about passing on your household and assets.... Continue Reading
Monday, June 3, 2019
trust was not procured by fraudulent misrepresentation due to co-settlor’s
failure to specifically describe each individual asset being contributed to the
trust where identifying the corporation holding the assets... Continue Reading