Month: December 2017
Thursday, December 28, 2017
The Pennsylvania Superior Court erred in holding that §7740.1 did not exclude modifications to a trust in a case where beneficiaries asked the court to allow the trust to be modified to include a portability provision because... Continue Reading
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Private foundations typically carry out their philanthropy by making grants to recognized public charities. This includes churches and synagogues, educational, scientific and cultural institutions, poverty relief agencies or any... Continue Reading
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
In Giteison v. Quinn, 987 N.Y.S.2d 329 (App. Div. 2014), the decedent, Dinko, had nine siblings; he died leaving no widow or children of his own.
He executed a will in 1990 that left certain real property to two of his sisters... Continue Reading
Thursday, December 14, 2017
The Pennsylvania Superior Court has clearly ruled that if a parent has sufficient funds to meet his/her child’s needs he cannot use custodial property as a substitution for his parental support obligation.
Read... Continue Reading
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
“Her will said ‘If I’m gone, everything goes to my son.’ Not in trust, not with somebody protecting him from the assets until he was in his late 20s or so, but it all went directly to him. The problem was, she had over a... Continue Reading