Month: February 2014
Friday, February 21, 2014
During the past few years this office has been contacted on more than a few occasions by parents of college and post college age daughter whose nude or semi-nude photographs have been posted on line by a former boyfriend. The... Continue Reading
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
This case is a clear example of when a family law attorney needs to understand the rights of a surviving spouse of a deceased spouse including the right to elect against his/her will, rights to spousal benefits in his/her... Continue Reading
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Estates of decedents who die during 2014 have a basic exclusion amount of $5,340,000, increased from the $5,250,000 exemption for estates of decedents who died in 2013.
Reference: Probate and Trust Law Section Newsletter of... Continue Reading
Monday, February 17, 2014
In the United States Court of Appeals case of In Re Emoral, PICS Case No. 14-0173 (3rd. Cir. January 24, 2014) the Honorable Maryanne Trump Barry writing on behalf of the Third Circuit held that personal injury causes of action... Continue Reading
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Because of the high interest rates, children with access to a trust are more likely to tap into trust funds to buy a house. This alternative can buy a home outright, or prevent people from taking out large mortgages. Borrowing... Continue Reading