The firm routinely assists privately held business owners with a wide array of practical, realistic business expertise and legal guidance including Estate Planning services to construct, build and protect the business and the wealth and legacies of their owners. Schedule Consultation
In December 2020, we published a newsletter discussing the fact that employers can require their employees to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in order to return to...
Sufficient evidence supported a prima facie case that testator had been unduly influenced, and appellants failed to meet their burden of providing clear and convincing evidence...
Students may not use a 529 college savings plan to pay for college test prep, including SAT prep. 529 plan distributions used to pay for SAT prep are considered non-qualified and...
Including a plan for incapacitation or inability to care for oneself when drafting an estate plan is a common and wise measure. There are several types of documents that are used...
As you age and as certain milestones pass, you need to reassess your current estate plan to determine whether your needs and goals are being met....
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The experienced legal team also provides comprehensive Business Law and Estate Planning services to individuals and privately held business clients, to protect the wealth and legacies of their clients. These services include: